Behavioral Economics Post Grad Programscollectiveshara


What is Behavioral Economics?

The Best Behavioral Economics Books The current circumstances can be tough: being isolated from families and friends is difficult, and having to spend most of our time inside isn’t particularly healthy. However, there is one thing you can spend a lot of time doing which will improve your quality of life exponentially: reading! A short primer on core ideas from behavioral economics. By Alain Samson, PhD, editor of the BE Guide and founder of the BE Group. Alain Samson's introduction to behavioral economics, originally published in 2014.

Behavioral economics is an emerging subfield of economics, which makes extensive use of psychological theory in explaining economic decision-making. In recent times, it is becoming essential to have a fundamental understanding of behavioral economics in order to go beyond the traditional ‘homoeconomicus’ model of rational decision-making in economics.

Graduates of the Behavioral Economics program will have a unique understanding of consumer and social behavior, which is a strong asset in business, politics, and nonprofit. Graduates will also have the tools necessary to excel as consultants, researchers, public servants, and marketers. Business Psychology Program Articulation Agreement. A Course in Behavioral Economics is a concise and reader-friendly introduction to one of the hottest developments in social and behavioral science today. Covering all core areas of the subject, Erik Angner clearly lays out the theory and explains the intuitions behind it. Any university which offers undergraduate courses in behavioral economics is good, but schools with better rankings in behavioral/experimental economics are better fits.

Course Summary

The course will take about 3 hours to complete. It includes materials such as comprehensive notes and awards a Udemy certificate after course completion. The course is divided into 5 major sections, which include 31 lectures and 6 quizzes. The course not only includes course content, but instructors that are approachable after completing it, who will provide feedback and address your specific needs. You would have access to the complete course for life! You will also receive personalized access to one of our qualified research instructors, to resolve your queries.

Watch a preview of the course here!

Why Do You Need it?

  • Behavioral and economics as a field is at the frontier of economic research. Almost all recent high-impact research in economics is associated with this field.

  • Students of economics (and psychology) stand to gain a great deal of insight into an alternative approach to decision-making by human agents.

  • Those researching in economics and psychology will be able to incorporate a novel interdisciplinary approach into their work.

  • In India, there is no university that teaches behavioural economics as part of formal coursework.

  • The course aims to inculcate a strong sense of critical thinking instudents within the realm of behavioral economics, with a subtle emphasis on understanding basic theoretical concepts.

What are the Benefits of doing a Digital Course on Behavioral Economics?

  • The course uses practical problems and examples from classical and contemporary economics and psychology research to explain the content.

  • The intensive course includes 3 instruction hours with 5 sections, 31 lectures, and 6 quizzes.

  • You have unlimited access to the course, allowing you to pace your own learning.

  • Do you want to save time spent in traveling? The digital course gives you the opportunity to learn anytime and anywhere. You can take the course on your desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile phone.

  • If you know a topic well, you can choose to skip the lecture. If you are not completely sure of a topic, you can choose to view the lecture again. Therefore, learning is personalized and oriented towards your needs rather than that of the group.

  • Quiz sections on each topic ensure you have a conceptual understanding of the course content.

  • We do not part ways once you complete the digital lectures. You will be given the opportunity to complete an assignment, which will enable you to apply the workshop content to actual research problems.

  • We also provide you with notes, which can be used as reference during the course.


Behavioral Economics Masters Programs

Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, MPhil students, PhD students, Professionals or Faculty pursuing research or practice OR Any person with basic understanding and interest in economics and/or psychology.

What is Behavioral Economics?

Behavioral Economics may sound highfalutin but the concept is really simple. It’s really all about how people make economic and financial decisions based on their current psychological preoccupation.

Behavioral Economics Masters Usa

Have you ever purchased something irrationally on a whim just because you felt like it? Or have you ever put off purchases because there were too many choices and you got too confused? That is actually Behavioral Economics at play.

The field of Behavioral Economics is another offshoot of psychology that specifically deals with the behavior of people when purchasing. When talking about behavior, several considerations are put forward. These considerations include: social dynamics, cognitive processing and emotional dynamics. In this field, certain behaviors tied with purchase decisions are studied and examined in order to get a clearer view of how people’s minds work when buying (or not buying).

Why are more and more people taking up Behavioral Economics?

It seems that all the top universities are jumping in on the Behavioral Economics bandwagon. A lot of them are now offering a graduate program in behavioral economics. This graduate program is open to any college major who wishes to further their studies. Those who pursue Behavioral Economics post-studies are mostly business, economics and psychology majors.

Behavioral Economics Post Grad Programscollectiveshara

The benefit in gaining a post graduate degree in behavioral economics is twofold: 1) to get an idea of how the market works; and, 2) to gain an understanding of how people’s minds make purchase decisions. Economics used to just focus on assumptions of the supply and demand. With Behavioral Economics, students get to learn how a person’s real mindset can drive an increase in demand (and thereby lessening the supply).

A degree in behavioral economics will come in handy for someone who is looking to work in the field of marketing. A lot of organizations now have better insights on how people make decisions when purchasing their products. They need professionals with in-depth understanding of behavioral economics to help guide them. Aside from private corporations, those with degrees in behavioral economics can find employment in educational institutions. Universities are always in need of teaching staff and researchers.

Colleges and Universities that offer Behavioral Economics Graduate Programs

Behavioral Economics Masters Degree

Here’s an unofficial list of colleges and universities that offer behavioral economics graduate programs.

Behavioral economics masters usa
  1. University of California – San Diego—offers a graduate program on economics with behavioral economics as part of the curriculum.
  2. University of Pennsylvania – Wharton – has a behavioral economics program as part of their business economics and public policy department. This is actually an undergraduate program where graduates can then take a Master’s in economics program.
  3. New York University—they have a Neuroeconomics graduate program, which is a mixture of psychology and economics.
  4. Harvard University Law School—their behavioral economics program is tied in with their public policy program.
  5. Princeton University—is another Ivy League school that has a graduate program in economics which has a concentration in behavioral economics.
  6. University of Wisconsin – Madison—they offer a Master’s program in economics and behavioral economics is one of the courses offered.
  7. Duke University Fuqua School of Business—Dan Ariely, a best-selling author on behavioral economics, teaches this course in this business school.
  8. University of Michigan—another university with an economics graduate program.
  9. Claremont Graduate University—they have a PhD program in economics and behavioral economics is a specialization included in the program.
  10. University of California – Irvine—they have a PhD graduate program in economics that also focuses on behavioral economics.
  11. Columbia University—has an MBA course on Behavioral Economics and Decision Making taught by Professor Eric Johnson.
  12. University of Toronto—has a BE101 course called Behavioral Economics in Action.

Behavioral Economics Graduate Programs

If you’re interested in behavioral economics, you should find out more about the program by checking the websites of the schools we have listed above. There are definitely other schools that were not included in our list. Let us know about these schools by hitting our comments section.